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Feature Film “Novitiate” – FINAL CALL TIMES & BOOKING DETAILS for work on TUESDAY 2/2/16

Feb 01 2016

If you are scheduled work on the Feature Film “Novitiate” – Here are your FINAL CALL TIMES & BOOKING DETAILS for work on TUESDAY 2/2/16
–**If you are scheduled to work on the ABC series “Nashville” – these are NOT your details!! Check the Notes with the heading that says “Nashville”. These details are ONLY for those booked on the film “Novitiate”.
**All times are still subject to change so you absolutely MUST RE-CHECK THIS PAGE AGAIN before YOU LEAVE FOR WORK!!! Make sure to REFRESH your browser!! We are not responsible if you show up too early or too late because you did not double check for you FINAL confirmed Call Time!! CHECK BACK!!!**
***Emergency number (615) 663-3621 if you are lost, running late or are unable to make it to your booking for any reason (MUST have a VALID excuse and proof will be requested) – DO NOT TEXT this number! We will not acknowledge text messages, you have to CALL if you have an emergency! There IS a voicemail on this line so if you do not reach someone you need to leave a message!
If you were booked – you are already CONFIRMED so you are expected to show up!!! You are also expected to be available to stay on set and work for until we are finished filming for the day/night, whatever that time ends up being – usually 8-12 hours or so. Occasionally it may be less than that but you should not expect to or ask to leave earlier than you are wrapped!! Doing so will be cause for not being booked in the future.
<br><br>Filming will take place rain, shine, wind, snow, etc. – regardless of the weather or early call time you are expected to be at work on set!!! DRIVE SAFELY and allow enough time for bad road conditions so that you can arrive to work on time safely. Even if it rains, storms or snows – we are still filming!!
(**Please EAT breakfast or lunch/dinner before coming to set as you MAY be arriving after our crew has eaten!! An afternoon/evening meal will likely be provided later in the day and Snacks & drinks will be provided throughout the day but you may miss the main crew meal and we don’t want you to be hungry. Please EAT a regular meal BEFORE you come to set!)
ALL NOVICES 1st and 2nd Year
ALL CATHLEEN’s SISTERS – to include Sister Mariana & Sister Teresa
STANDINS (L.Hibbard, S. Davenport)
Scarrit Bennett
1008 – 19th Ave S
Nashville TN 37212
–REPORT TO FONDREN BUILDING – lower level Auditorium and check-in with someone from the AD Dept (Kyler, Justin, Brandon)
Parking: please park in the Visitor lot (LOT A) next to the Laskey Building (see Campus map for lot location). If there are no spaces available, look for a space in LOT B (see map). If you can not find parking in either of these lots, it is OK to park at the parking meters with the red hoods on them as long as there isn’t some sort of truck or equipment parked there – just MAKE SURE to put a large piece of paper visible on your dashboard that says “NOVITIATE EXTRA-and list your name”. If you are unable to find a space at a covered meter – find the closest available free parking that you can. ALTERNATIVELY – if you can not find free parking and choose to park in garage parking, there is one located at 2043 Scarritt Pl (Wesley Place Garage) that will charge you $10.00 up front to park and Production will reimburse you (we are SO sorry for this inconvenience!) **ALLOW plenty of time to find parking as it will take awhile!
*Make sure to arrive in enough time to park so that you arrive at the check-in area at your call time! If you are just pulling in to the parking lot at your call time, you WILL be late!! You should arrive between 10-15 minutes early so that you are at the check-in area BEFORE your call time!!
<br><br>Be sure to take your ID and all of your wardrobe with you to the Extras Holding/Check-in area.
EVERYONE MUST COME HAIR & MAKEUP READY as appropriate for your specific character type!!!!
Hair: if you were given instructions by the Hair Dept, they would like you to come “hair ready” with your hair styled as instructed. If you were not given instructions, please put rollers in your hair tonight or curl your hair (in some fashion) with rollers or a curling iron before you head to work so that it has some body<br><br>ALL NUN Wardrobe: black opaque tights and black shoes.
Make-up for ALL Nuns (Novices, Professed, Cathleen’s Sisters) : come with natural no make-up look. NO MAKEUP ladies!! However, DO bring Chapstick or some non colored balm for lips. It’s cold and everyone is getting chapped lips.
Bring your driver’s license and know your social security number so we can complete paperwork to pay you. YOU MUST HAVE A SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER TO WORK WITH US ON SET! If you don’t have a social security number please let us know ASAP as you will NOT be allowed to work! Bring a black or blue ink pen with you to complete your voucher
General Guidelines:·
We do not recommend that you bring any expensive or valuable item. We are not responsible for lost or damaged personal items.
· Please let us know immediately if your schedule changes and you become unavailable – so that we have time to replace you.
· Please do not approach the actors. They are working.– Pictures or video from cell phones are strictly prohibited. Taking a picture or video on set are grounds for immediate dismissal and will not be tolerated. Do not bring cameras of any kind to the set.
– Do not bring anyone with you that was not hired by Extras Casting. Only minors are allowed to bring ONE parent or guardian. Absolutely NO family or friends who aren’t booked in advance can come to set with you!!
Background Actors’ Rules regarding Photos and Press:
Please remember that all unauthorized on-set photography is forbidden (including from cell phones).
Background actors may not blog or tweet about their experiences on set.
· If a journalist approaches you about your work on the film, please contact the casting office, before you provide any information about the show or your participation in it.
Ignoring these guidelines will undermine your affiliation with both the production and future local casting. We hope you enjoy your time working with us on this show.
If you have any questions, please email our office. Thanks and we will see you on the set!!!<br><br>
“Nashville” Extras Casting
*Emergency number 615-663-3621 (*there IS a voicemail so please wait for it and LEAVE a MESSAGE if we don’t pick up!)

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