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Aug 13 2013

If you are scheduled for work on the NBC Television series “Revolution” – CALL TIMES & BOOKING DETAILS for work on WEDNESDAY 8/14/13 are NOT YET AVAILABLE.


As we are filming some nights, we will not have detailed Call Time information until production wraps late into the night, therefore FINAL CALL TIMES will not be posted until after 09:00am on Wednesday morning.


**Times are not available – so YOU absolutely MUST RE-CHECK THIS PAGE after 09:00am Wednesay morning and AGAIN BEFORE YOU LEAVE FOR WORK that evening!! Make sure to REFRESH your browser!! We are not responsible if you show up too early or too late because you did not double check for you FINAL confirmed Call Time!! CHECK BACK!!!**

If you were booked – you are already CONFIRMED so you are expected to show up!!! You are also expected to be available to stay on set and work for a MINIMUM of 12hours from your call time. Occasionally it may be less than that but you should not expect to or ask to leave earlier than you are wrapped!! Doing so will be cause for not being booked in the future.

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